
A sweet time with Pooh

“Winnie the Pooh and the Honey Patch”

A.A. Milne

At the beginning of the book, Pooh and Owl were walking and enjoying the spring weather. While Owl was explaining that spring is the time of year when everything started growing, Pooh started thinking about growing honey. In the middle of the story, Pooh planted a honey pot and waited for it to grow for a whole year’s supply, but it never did. All his friends were trying to find out what was wrong with his honey pot. They replaced it with a bucket. At the end of the book, Pooh found the bucket and used it to collect honey. Then he met his friends, who told him about the bucket story and they shared the honey for breakfast.

Reviewed by Mary, 7

Charnock Road School

Los Angeles


“The Ant Bully”

John Nickle

In the story “The Ant Bully,” a boy named Lucas was being a bully to the ants. All the ants called Lucas “the Destroyer.” The ants couldn’t take it anymore. They shrunk him to the size of an ant. Did Lucas learn his lesson? Read the book to find out.

Reviewed by Jesus, 7

Dorris Place School

Los Angeles


“The Keeping Quilt”

Patricia Polacco

This true story has many characters: Anna, Carle, Mary Ellen and Patricia. They all share the Keeping Quilt. They all always use the same quilt many different ways, as a table cloth, a baby blanket, their grandma’s blanket and more! Patricia is the youngest and the author of the book. Will Patricia pass the quilt on again? Will the story of “The Keeping Quilt” go on? Read the book to find out!


Reviewed by Phoebe, 8

Glenoaks Elementary




Mary Shelley

“Frankenstein” is about a guy named Frankenstein who meets a scientist who tells him how to make a monster. Then he goes out of town to make a monster. After he makes the monster, it escapes from the laboratory. Then he is on the lookout for the monster. After the monster kills somebody in Frankenstein’s family, Frankenstein goes to the top of a mountain and wishes he never made the monster. After that, he sees a big, buff guy climbing up the mountain, and it comes closer. He sees that it is the monster, and the monster said, “I hate my life. I wish you never gave me a life. Can you please help me?” Frankenstein said, “I’m sorry.” The monster said, “If you don’t help me, I’ll kill someone else in your family.” If you want to figure out the rest, you’ll have to read the book.

Reviewed by Cameron, 9

Gooden School

Sierra Madre
