
Money that’s artfully spent

Mark Swed’s article [“Art’s Big Dreams Are Worth the Cost,” Oct. 26] should be required reading in every high school in America. Not for the students but the adults (administrators, teachers and parents).

It made me aware of a time and place in my life: Berlin, where I was born and educated. In 1945, my formerly beautiful and culturally alive city lay in ruins. It was one giant Trummerhaufen (heap of rubble), with no electricity, no food, dead people in the streets, despair and devastation everywhere. Yet out of this devastation grew a shining flower of hope and salvation for us Berliner Kinder: education, opera, theater and symphony orchestras. The German government had the wisdom to put emphasis on those things that nurtured the soul -- education and art.

Keep writing about things like the L.A. Phil’s groundbreaking inner-city education plan. Art’s big dreams are worth the cost and then some.


Christa G. Long

Newport Beach
