
The week ahead

A look at upcoming news events:



This is the deadline to register to vote in California’s June 3 primary election. Registration forms are available at most post offices, public libraries, city and county offices and secretary of state offices. They also can be downloaded from the secretary of state’s Web site, The last day to request a vote-by-mail ballot for the June primary is May 27. Vote-by-mail ballots must be received by 8 p.m. on Election Day to be counted.


O.C. sheriff: The Orange County Board of Supervisors will hear an update on jail changes from acting Sheriff Jack Anderson.


Passports: The United States Postal Service will hold a passport fair at the Los Angeles Convention Center. Attendees can apply for a passport.



Strawberry Festival: The 50th annual Garden Grove Strawberry Festival parade will include film and TV stars.

The Tip

Just in time for Memorial Day weekend, the U.S. Coast Guard and its auxiliary will inspect children’s life jackets at 14 sites statewide, including Long Beach and Castaic Lake on Saturday from 8 to 11 a.m., and Irvine and Riverside on Friday from 2 to 4 p.m.


Ask a reporter

With L.A. announcing a water-saving plan, what happened to Long Beach’s campaign?

Last fall, Long Beach became the state’s first major city to order mandatory water curbs, reaping dramatic cuts and shaming water-chugging Los Angeles. Consumption stayed low all winter, but crept upward in March and April, which Long Beach Water spokesman Ryan Alsop blames on a record-dry spring. Now, new billboards all over town show a half-empty Lake Mead and the slogan “Your hose is connected to this reservoir.”



-- Deborah Schoch
