
New, not fresh

IT’S interesting that the L.A. Times -- old media, without question -- chose to frame the demise of “quarterlife” as a conflict between new and old media [“Half-life of a Media Turf Tiff,” by Patrick Goldstein, March 4]. While I’m sure that this is one factor, there is a far bigger one -- which is very prominent on the Web. Whatever this show may have been in webisodes, it’s a terrible TV show. The characters don’t represent their generation, either in technological savvy or in attitude; they’re unsympathetically self-indulgent; and their issues, while extremely common, are so generic as to be uncompelling.

The pilot had no sense of place; ostensibly set in Chicago, the only hints it gave to its location were Los Angeles-area geography and minor landmarks. And the drama was simply undramatic.

Katharine Lisiewicz

Los Angeles
