
The fine art of kvetching

Special to The Times

Periodically during “Jackie Mason: The Ultimate Jew,” which ends its limited run at the Wadsworth Theatre on Sunday, the term “politically correct” comes up. It elicits guffaws -- and why not? This nonpareil stand-up comic, who can draw snorts with a raised eyebrow, gives political correctness an ironic Bronx cheer.

After many decades in show business, Mason has raised the kvetch to an art form, and “The Ultimate Jew” maintains his blithely cantankerous average. Subtitled “The Farewell Performances,” Mason’s latest rambling commentary hits New York on March 18, where it will surely land like gangbusters.

Familiar themes emerge -- the essential differences between Jews and Gentiles, the frustrations of the digital age and other cultural shibboleths ripe for evisceration. Yet, most of the barbs feel newly minted amid the body language, Yiddish phrases and hairpin turns of topic that typify Mason’s technique.


In this election year, Mason adopts a take-no-prisoners attitude toward the presidential candidates. Mason convulses the house as he examines Barack Obama’s heritage, Hillary Clinton’s experience and John McCain’s ability to contradict himself.

His caustic observations peak with Mason’s hysterical assessment of Arkansas’ importance in the scheme of things and a spot-on look at the double standard toward hookers.

Mason’s ability to turn nonverbal punctuation into virtual subtitles is unique, and his skills as a mimic, which close the evening, are imposing. Hunching himself into mentor-turned-nemesis Ed Sullivan, rattling off blue-tinged doggerel as California’s governor, Mason becomes every waggish uncle who ever fractured the guests at the bar mitzvah.


Somewhat less certain is the show’s overall course, which is still finding itself. There is a sporadic drop in effervescence when Mason aims at individuals for whom his intense feelings, pro or con, override satiric edge. At such junctures, the line between lampoon and polemic blurs until it verges on hectoring.

Then again, hectoring is probably what the audience expects, if not craves, and Mason certainly gives them what they came for, particularly the happily assaulted front rows. “The Ultimate Jew” might not quite be the ultimate Jackie Mason, but it’s a representative display of unbridled chutzpah from a bona-fide original.


‘Jackie Mason: The Ultimate Jew -- the Farewell Performances’

Where: Wadsworth Theatre, Veteran’s Administration grounds, 11301 Wilshire Blvd., Brentwood


When: 8 p.m. today and Saturday, 3 p.m. Sunday

Price: $28 to $103

Contact: (213) 365-3500 or (714) 740-7878

Running time: 1 hour, 50 minutes
