
PG&E; opposes gay marriage ban

Giving a financial and public relations boost to gay marriage proponents, Pacific Gas & Electric Co. said Tuesday that it is giving $250,000 to the No on Proposition 8 campaign.

The utility also said it will spearhead the formation of a business advisory council that will seek to get other businesses around California to defeat the ballot initiative, which would amend the state Constitution to define marriage as only between a man and a woman.

“We are thrilled to partner with PG&E;,” Geoff Kors, executive director of Equality California, said in a statement.


The donation from the utility, and the formation of the business council, represents a shift from the last time that the question of gay marriage was on the ballot, in 2000. Back then, many businesses stayed on the sidelines. This time, in addition to PG&E;, other large corporations such as AT&T; and Wells Fargo also have donated to defeat Proposition 8.
