
Slow the boats

Re “Beer cans caught in a crush in Newport,” July 21

Your article left out a crucial fact: There is a posted 5 mph speed limit in all areas of Newport Harbor! Sailboats are no exception, in spite of their owners’ view that speeding through the bay in summertime is an inherited right. Speaking as someone who operates a powerboat in Newport Harbor and obeys the posted limits, the sailing community’s attitude is a perfect example of their arrogance in believing themselves to be above the law. Why should the speed limit apply to other boaters but not to them?

This is akin to spoiled, over-privileged children complaining because the cops won’t let them drag race in a school zone. These boaters have the gall to believe the harbor patrol shouldn’t stop them, just because they’re racing. What’s more important here, the sailing community’s misguided sense of entitlement or the safety and security of the general public?

John Hollenbeck

