
Calculated agendas

Re “Obama’s agenda may not add up,” July 8

I breathlessly await The Times’ front-page article on John McCain’s pie-in-the-sky plans. McCain says, incredibly, that the economy is slowing down, when we’re actually long past that, and claims that he will reduce the budget deficit by “winning” in Iraq. McCain’s plans not only do not compute, they’re delusional.

Tim Vivian



This article downplays the effectiveness of Obama’s $130-billion expenditure plan and says little about the importance of the plan’s goals -- which are to reverse the last several decades of descent for the majority of our people.

Real wages have declined, job opportunities diminish daily, and President Bush’s trillion-dollar-plus war grinds on toward no good end, while the richest 1% of Americans have been encouraged to grab an inordinate share of GDP.


We spend more than that $130 billion to bolster Wall Street, so why be concerned about the puny deficit that might be caused by Obama’s plans to actually make jobs, expand healthcare, boost education, encourage research and end this war?

Jim E. Davis

Laguna Woods
