
The bias against autistic kids

Re “In treating autism, the healthcare system isn’t fully functional,” July 6

I was struck by the quote from the health plan representative who complained of a “shift of the state’s responsibilities” to care for autistic children “over to the health plans.” Aren’t these the same health plans that oppose an expansion of the government’s role in providing health insurance to Americans? I guess they are not so concerned about “socialized medicine” as long as they can still collect their premiums.

James Dennis

Los Angeles

As a grandparent raising my autistic grandson, I can agree that states’ costs are high for therapy for autistic children, and most insurance companies refuse to cover the costs. For years, insurance companies have been completely biased against autism treatments. Would they refuse to cover a child with cancer or diabetes? It’s time that this exclusion is stopped. These children deserve the very best in healthcare. Autism is not necessarily a lifelong disorder. Often, with early intervention and treatment, many children can completely recover.

Maurine Meleck

North Augusta, S.C.
