
Failed fight at City Hall

Re “I tried, but failed, to bring ethics to City Hall,” July 6

I commend Bill Boyarsky’s attempt “to fight City Hall” when he joined the Los Angeles City Ethics Commission.

You would think that this appointment would enable him to address issues and make badly needed decisions regarding the political propaganda and scandals that affect the citizens of Los Angeles.

But then, one forgets that our leaders -- from Mayor Antonio “Photo Op” Villaraigosa to the highest paid council people in the country -- have more clout than any part-time member of a commission. Boyarsky is not the only one who is humbled, frustrated and angry -- there are many in this fine city who feel his pain.


Richard Whorton

Valley Village

Bill, my hat’s off to you. At least you served your full five-year term on the Ethics Commission. I quit after only 15 months, totally frustrated.

The fact that commission members are not elected by the public but are instead appointed by the very individuals they are supposed to be overseeing results is not only a classic conflict of interest but a recipe for few things getting accomplished, despite our good intentions.

David W. Fleming

Los Angeles

The writer is a former chairman of the Los Angeles Area Chamber of Commerce.
