
Clearing the way for conservatives

Re “Left jabs,” Opinion,

June 29

This crop of insincere, liberal-leaning journalists will no doubt hurt the Democrats in November. But this has always been the case.

Democrats are not capable of uncomplicated victories. They seem to relish self-mutilations and arduous battles as if they were some form of karmic retribution. Instead of counting the enemy’s sins, they look for their own and attempt to purge their conscience in a very public way.

While New York Times columnist Maureen Dowd goes to bed every night dreaming of more aspersions to heap on her villainess du jour, Hillary Rodham Clinton, the rest of us are sleepwalking through this race. The Republicans have revved up their engines while we are still reading tea leaves and nebulous polls, unaware of the wrecking ball looming on the horizon.


An arugula-noshing, macchiato-drinking, French-speaking liberal is still better than a two-worded conservative with a beer in one hand and a Bible in the other. I hope the writers aim their fire at the opposition.

Death by friendly fire is a very sad way to go.

Maya Teague

