
Legislature needs a quick lesson

Re “Learning curve,” editorial, June 28

Home schoolers operate as private schools, which are not required to use government-approved curricula or to hire teachers with credentials.

If you aren’t happy with the education your children receive, whether it is a home-based private school, the big parochial school down the street or your neighborhood public school, you should move them. Our society trusts parents to make these decisions for their children.

Let’s not get confused and think that the parents need to be accountable to the state; it is the state, when it runs a school, that needs to be accountable to the parents. The major home-school groups in California are in agreement that we do not want new legislation. We are content with the law as it currently stands.


We need to make sure our court system understands that the Legislature did intend for individual families to use the private-school option to create home-based private schools. If you want to help home schoolers, call on the Legislature to pass the home-school resolution acknowledging that it fully intended home schooling to exist in California the way we’ve been doing it successfully for decades.

Loren Mavromati

Manhattan Beach

The writer is president of the California Homeschool Network.
