
Fine, fight your own wars then

Re “Gates says NATO force unable to fight guerrillas,” Jan. 16

As a former sergeant in the Dutch army, I am offended by the remarks of U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates. I think he has no idea what he’s talking about. What was the last guerrilla war that the United States ended in a victory? I would appreciate Gates not pointing his finger at others before looking at his country’s record.

The United States needs allies now more than ever.

Ben Van Zadelhoff

Huissen, The Netherlands


Canadians troops are working with other NATO nations, including American forces, to secure Afghanistan and drive out the Taliban for good. We have lost many of our sons and daughters in this fight.

Our government is currently wrestling with our level of involvement given the enormous cost in capital and lives.


By staying in Afghanistan, we allow more U.S. troops to stay in Iraq. Discouraging words by your Defense secretary will only add to the pressure the Canadian government feels, and probably speed up the timeline for our withdrawal. Then, the United States will be left fighting two wars, on two fronts, alone.

Perhaps Gates should think carefully before dismissing the sacrifice of his allies to the national media.

Paul Nieuwland

Hillsburgh, Canada


If Gates believes Canadian, British and Dutch soldiers are not up to fighting the Taliban, I say well and good -- fight your own war.


You should be able to bring to bear your expertise from that debacle called Iraq.

Robert Armstrong

Peterborough, Canada
