
Legislators wear out their welcome

Re “Reform term limits,” Opinion, Jan. 15

The statement made by Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger that Proposition 93 will “give legislators the confidence to say ‘no’ to special interests” is a lie. The author of this legislation, Assembly Speaker Fabian Nunez, has a history of just saying “yes” to special interests. As The Times has reported, their donations have funded his causes (including this proposition) and his highflying lifestyle. If this proposition passes, Nunez will be given another six years of wine-tasting trips to France, and pandering to the wishes of special interests.

David Etheridge

Los Angeles


The current legislators are hoping that voters reward them with more time in office? After so many examples of incompetence and twisted priorities, how could any Californian consider extending the current politicians’ time to serve in Sacramento by supporting Proposition 93? Not one of the current Sacramento politicians deserves to be rewarded with more time. If they were working in the real world of private employment, they would have earned a pink slip a long time ago for their complete failure to bring positive outcomes to the citizens and the state. Californians deserve better than we are getting from these inept, substandard politicians.

Jerry Brown

Los Angeles


I am a lifelong Democrat and have always opposed term limits. However, I will vote against Proposition 93, which would effectively extend current terms of state legislators.


People like Nunez and Senate President Pro Tem Don Perata, who have presided over a dysfunctional Legislature for years, do not deserve such a break. They have reneged on a promise to include a redistricting proposal in the upcoming election and have managed to run up a $14-billion state deficit.

We should continue to throw the rascals out until we get a government that responds to the wishes of the electorate and can balance the budget for the most affluent state in the union. Then we can end term limits forever.

Al Kubera



As a retired engineer, my employers would have fired me within a year if they expected it would take me six to eight years to become effective at my job. Our governor is only allowed two terms. Does it make sense that our elected governors don’t need more than two terms to become effective in the job, but our legislators do?


Gerald Sozio

Los Angeles
