

It’s 2014 in monologist Heather Woodbury’s newest work, and a 108-year-old stripper has a lot to get off her chest. Inspired by a real life neighbor with a possibly shady past, “The Last Days of Desmond Nani Reese” debuted last year at Barnsdall Art Park as a matter of official city business -- Woodbury (pictured) won a grant from the Department of Cultural Affairs to commission the work. “Essentially, that was the birth of the piece, with the department -- and the live audience -- acting as midwife,” says Woodbury, also a recent recipient of the first Spalding Gray Award. “Now, I’m honing the piece with director Abigail Deser.” 8 p.m. Sat., Ends Feb. 23. Bang Improv Studio, 457 N. Fairfax Ave. $10. (323) 653-6886; www.bang
