
Rocket fueled

First of all, I hope Roger Clemens is not guilty. Having said that, I hope Clemens is not trying to pull what O.J. Simpson and Floyd Landis perceived to have already accomplished. Simpson and Landis seemed to have planned to deny any guilt at any cost with the hopes of dragging their accusations through the media. Then once we all tire of their stories, they will be given some leniency in the eyes of the public and the judicial system.

Jon Umeda

Monterey Park


While watching Roger Clemens’ unconvincing performance on “60 Minutes,” I was at the very least heartened by the fact that while legal conviction requires proof of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, rejection by the Hall of Fame doesn’t.

Michael Miyamoto

Mission Viejo


So Roger Clemens storms out of his news conference by stating “I don’t need the Hall of Fame to justify that I put my butt on the line and I worked my tail off, and I defy anybody to say I did it by cheating or taking any shortcut.”


It would appear, though, that those juicy performance-laden contracts he has enjoyed for years are incentive enough to entice anyone to do so.

Bill Mouzis

Lake Balboa


You’ve got Paul Byrd’s dentist giving HGH when he should be giving lidocaine. You’ve got Clemens giving interviews when he should just shut up. It is well known that steroids can increase someone’s head size. Can Clemens’ head get any bigger?

Richard Katz

Los Angeles
