
Unfinished BCS business

A most Happy New Year to Division I colleges and conferences, the BCS, NCAA, bowl alliance committees and sports media across the land. Thanks to you, I am completely cured of a 42-year addiction to postseason college football.

I am now off the sofa, out of the house, smelling the flowers and spiritually reborn. I only wish that every other customer feeding your gigantic, convoluted, meaningless and most uninteresting cash cow experience my salvation.

But wait. That would create a spellbinding, championship elimination tournament and I’d be off the wagon for good.


Better yet, keep up the good work!

Bill Kahl

Santa Clarita


One of the most annoying things about the BCS is that sportswriters and sportscasters keep insisting that a playoff is “not gonna happen” -- as if doing the right thing for fans and athletes were a violation of natural law. It could happen. It should happen. It is “not gonna happen” because of greed, nothing else.

All the bowl games now -- with the possible exception of the Rose Bowl -- are four-hour endorsements of pizza companies, credit unions and almond producers. Whether athletes get to prove anything on the field or devoted fans get to see the best games possible is not relevant. A steakhouse chain has paid for naming rights to a bowl game, after all.

Doing the right thing is “not gonna happen” because those who really want a playoff system have not flexed any real muscle yet. I hope the SEC starts the ball rolling by demanding an end to the BCS.


John Smart

Los Angeles


Will the voters next year please pay attention to strength of schedule and keep Ohio State out of the embarrassment they suffered again?

Ben Boorman

