
Picketing writers won’t stop jeers at Razzies

The Golden Globes have been reduced to a press conference by the writers strike, and other movie awards shows are threatened, including the Oscars. But don’t worry about one Hollywood institution: The 28th annual Razzies, dishonoring the worst work in the movies, will go on as scheduled Feb. 23 at the Abracadabra Theater in Santa Monica.

The Razzies, unlike the other productions, isn’t worried about stars boycotting in support of the strikers.

Stars never show up for this insult-fest anyway, with the exception of Halle Berry, who picked up a 2004 worst-actress Razzie for “Catwoman” (and delivered a very funny thank-you speech).


Razzies creator John Wilson said that each year, when the voting among Razzie members is finished and the winners are determined, “we inform their publicists a few days before the show. They generally hang up on us.”

Early indications are that Eddie Murphy (“Norbit’”) and Lindsay Lohan (“I Know Who Killed Me”) could win worse-actor laurels.

“We’re hoping that Lindsay makes a drive-by appearance,” Wilson said.

Turning to the weather

Did that last storm prove to be a bit less than originally advertised? Kirk McDonald points out that, a National Weather Service warning notwithstanding, no waves washed up against L.A.’s City Hall (see accompanying).


To live and drive in L.A.

At Magic Mountain, David Nelson of L.A. noticed a speed limit sign that seemed justified, to say the least (see photo).

As for parking . . .

“I was thinking of having my mail forwarded to this space in front of a Taco Bell in Mar Vista,” said Venice’s Brian Monahan, referring to a meter that was offering him almost 3 days of parking (see photo). “At any rate,” he added, “I took my time eating lunch in my car.”

Unclear on the concept

David Johannsen of Torrance stayed at a hotel in Athens that sent out some mixed smoke signals (see photo).


Stupid criminal tricks

LAPD officers saw a man wearing an olive green cap and shirt that said “Sheriff” searching through the back pockets of a juvenile on an Echo Park street. Meanwhile, a woman with an identical green “Sheriff” outfit sat in a parked car.

Odd thing about the woman, though, she was eating lunch during the search, reported the Thin Blue Line, a police publication.

The “Sheriff” duo turned out be impersonators who were taken to jail, where they were given orange outfits.


The Razzies website includes a section in which readers offer tips on how to spot bad movies, including this one:

“You know you’re watching a Razzie movie when it’s showing on an airplane and you still think about walking out.”


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