
Hey, big spenders

Late last night, in a move to bolster their attempt to make the playoffs next year (so A-Rod could choke once again), the New York Yankees signed Michael Phelps to an 11-year deal worth $365 million. Brian Cashman said the acquisition would bolster the team in rainy weather.

In another announcement, the club announced it would make 25 single-game tickets available to low-income fans for each game, at $450 a seat.

Marty Foster



What is the difference between the Yankees paying a $26.9-million luxury tax and a convicted burglar spending time in jail? They both know the rules, intentionally break them and pay the price.


Ted Bartscherer



Maybe I’m missing something and should take my investment advice from professional sports owners. Companies like General Motors, Ford and big banks and financial companies are cutting expenses and laying off people who have worked there for years.

On the other hand, the Yankees have hired three players for amounts much above their competition. Either they are smarter than everyone else or just stupid enough to be disconnected from reality and listening to guys like Scott Boras.

Between the spoiled professional athletes and the owners it sure seems like they need to be taking a longer look at this. I’m still a fan, but this is basic economics, not rocket science.


Bill Spear

Fountain Valley
