
No stereotypes

Re “Who runs Hollywood? C’mon,” Opinion, Dec. 19

It is very disturbing to me when Joel Stein writes, “Jews totally run Hollywood.” He goes on to say how proud he is of “our accomplishment,” and, “Yes, we control Hollywood.” While I understand his pride, I don’t think he realizes the doors of anti-Semitism that he opens to those fringe groups looking for any excuse to hate us.

Stein, to his credit, admits that maybe he’s a little naive because he was raised in areas of the country that are heavily populated by Jews. However, for someone like myself who was raised in West Covina and was, I believe, the only Jewish male in my graduating high school class, I’ve heard enough disparaging remarks that stereotype Jews to last me a lifetime.

Mr. Stein, please keep the stereotypes, positive or negative, to a minimum.

Alan Rubenstein

