
Shine some light on solar plan

Re “Not-so-sunny plan,” editorial, Dec. 22

I would imagine that there would be more than adequate roof space for an “extremely aggressive” endeavor to create solar power in Los Angeles if individual homeowners were encouraged to install systems.

Some of us have already installed solar panels. The trouble is that the DWP won’t pay individuals for any excess energy we create. When I generate more power than I use, the DWP simply “credits” my account, which essentially robs me of any compensation unless I use the excess energy.

Why not make solar-power creation an attractive and lucrative possibility for homeowners? No matter how we decide to create energy, it’s going to cost a bundle. Let it be clean, green power.


I had considered filling my sunny San Fernando Valley backyard with more solar panels to eliminate more greenhouse gases, but now that I know my efforts will go unappreciated, I wouldn’t waste my time. What a shame.

Claire Rydell

Canoga Park


This is our second attempt to harness the sun here in Los Angeles. Everyone knows we need alternative energy, and a good solar plan is at the top of the list.

The problem with the plan that has been spirited on the March 3 ballot is that it’s not well thought out. Measure B was rushed to the ballot without solid financial and sourcing details.


DWP General Manager H. David Nahai and the City Council are not providing transparency.

We cannot trust the DWP without a complete financial plan up front.

Leonard Horowitz

Van Nuys
