
Ex-Navy official pleads guilty in child porn case

Wade Sanders, a decorated Vietnam veteran and a former deputy assistant secretary of the Navy in the Clinton administration, pleaded guilty Monday in federal court to possession of child pornography.

Sanders, 67, of San Diego, had more than 600 images of child pornography on his computer, including a 21-minute video showing “pre-pubescent females” having sexual contact with an adult male, the U.S. attorney’s office said Sanders, a lawyer, is a retired Navy captain who received the Bronze Star, Silver Star and Purple Heart for service as a swift-boat captain in the Vietnam War. He faces a possible 10 years in prison and $250,000 fine when sentenced March 30.

Under a plea bargain, prosecutors have agreed to recommend a prison sentence of five to six years. Sanders is a former military affairs advisor to Lt. Gov. John Garamendi and has also served as a military expert for local and national television.


-- Tony Perry
