
Atwater Village reactions

Last week, Out There visited Atwater Village, where a swarm of new businesses and young residents has arrived in recent years. A divide has emerged between old guard and new, as have accusations of gay-bashing and claims that some wanted to turn the Christmas tree-lighting ceremony into an antiwar protest. A proposed theme of “peace” was even voted down. Readers who responded on the online discussion board were divided too. A sample:

“Times change. The first week I moved into the neighborhood, some guy snatched a lady’s bag and ran down the street . . . . Hey, I’m up for a little peaceful change [in] this city.” -- Tim

“I used to go Christmas carolling and remember the word peace coming up a lot. So . . . what’s the problem?”


-- Not in Atwater

“I don’t care about being politically correct: I say Merry Christmas!”

-- Steve Rodriguez

“Keep your agenda filled noses out of ‘EVERYONE’S’ business. . . . Salute the flag, light the tree and then go home. . . . Stop trying to preach tolerance and learn to preach acceptance!”

-- Proud village resident

“Shame on them for rejecting ‘Peace’ -- what next, goodwill to men?”

