
Help for troops

Re “Gates may rein in weapon plans,” Dec. 10

The Times accurately identifies key defense challenges in military modernization and acquisition reform, but there is more to Army Future Combat Systems than your article conveys.

Today, Future Combat Systems (FCS) precursor technologies are augmenting critical needs such as advanced armor protection, sensor technologies and unmanned reconnaissance capabilities. In June, the Army accelerated the first spinout of FCS to the infantry to provide capabilities that Secretary of Defense Robert M. Gates has highlighted as crucial for our troops in the current fight. Gates applauded our efforts to provide soldiers the capabilities they require as rapidly as possible, saying, “And frankly, I think FCS, as they’ve restructured it, deserves support.”

FCS isn’t just about new tanks and troop transports -- it provides a brigade’s worth of capabilities and modernizes the Army’s aging combat vehicle fleet. It connects soldiers to get them the information and the firepower they need -- precisely where and when they need it.


Michael A. Vane


The writer is deputy commanding general at the Army Capabilities Integration Center.
