
Just how did the script get there?

I read with rising anticipation about the amazing good fortune of “Gran Torino” screenwriter Nick Schenk [“Eastwood Rewrites a Writer’s Life,” Dec. 9].

But Patrick Goldstein does his readers a disservice when he cavalierly says that the two young producers, Jenette Kahn and Adam Richman, “finally got the script to Billy Gerber.”

As a veteran of this business, the mechanics of getting Billy Gerber to personally read a script would be both fascinating and enlightening to learn.


I know full well that it isn’t a simple matter to accomplish this. I expect that Gerber has a staff that reviews material, or perhaps one of the producers has a personal relationship.

Either way, it would have been useful to know exactly how this transpired. I’m sure there are thousands, if not more, aspiring writers who would like to know too.

Todd Koerner

Hermosa Beach
