
What pet lovers will do . . .

Just how crazy are some pet lovers? It’s a question that needs no words to answer -- not when you have a photo of an otherwise dignified feline posed in a pink wig.

Go to, and the first question in the FAQ says it all: “Is this for real?” The answer, of course, is yes. Wigs for cats, wedding cakes for dogs, agility training for goldfish -- all further proof that some humans have abandoned all restraint when it comes to their favorite pet (or at least love it enough not to care when friends call you crazy).

Times staff writer Deborah Netburn compiled a Web gallery of inventions likely to inspire disbelief, occasional horror and, yes, some laughter. Hop online and you’ll also find Times staff writer Barbara Thornburg’s bonus gallery of doghouses, including a Danish modern mini-manse, a log cabin, even an eco-friendly design made from recycled baby bottles. You’ll find both galleries at
