
Roll over, Beethoven critic

I WAS stunned by the review of “Beethoven, as I Knew Him” [“Oh, Fur Elise’s Sake,” by David Ng, Aug. 27]. Did this reviewer see the same show that brought hundreds of audience members to their feet in a standing ovation? Comparing this virtuosic performance to a Vegas lounge act was gratuitous and inappropriate.

Hershey Felder has an outstanding talent. I’ve also seen his Gershwin show as well as a segment from his performance as Chopin. In each, he metamorphoses completely into the character(s) he is playing. His uncanny acting ability, brilliant piano playing and gifted storytelling combine to make the Beethoven show another memorable evening in the theater.

Isabel Storey

Santa Monica


WHILE I thought that Hershey Felder’s pieces about Gershwin and Chopin were better, “Beethoven, as I Knew Him” offered a capsule biography, a bit of lovely music and a performance by an outstanding artist who deserves far better than to be trashed by The Times.


I’ve seen some truly lousy theater in Los Angeles but the Felder play doesn’t come close to that. I can only conclude that Ng was having a bad day.

Barbara H. Bergen

Los Angeles
