
An exploitation film

In MY humble opinion, “Tropic Thunder” is nothing more than a “Dumb and Dumber” exploitation film [“Race, on Its Face, Is Still a Moving Target,” Aug. 17]. As an American of African descent, I was not offended by Mr. Downey’s portrayal of a black GI, because the character was not a Stepin Fetchit or buffoon-like caricature.

There lies the difference between the blackface character and Simple Jack. I am a retired special educator, and I was offended for all the children we special educators have tried to fully include in classrooms so they can learn to be productive members of society and be free from ridicule.

What I had not expected was the graphic violent scenes of body parts flying everywhere. I went to an R-rated movie and got what I deserved. But I noticed a child no more than 6 or 7 years old who was enjoying every gory scene.


So I don’t take issue with Mr. Stiller or Mr. Downey. I take issue with the irresponsible parent who brought his child to an R-rated movie and the irresponsible theater managers who allow these children to attend. These are the children who will create havoc in my community and make fun of the bright children who stutter or have speech impediments just because it was funny in the movies.

Samn Brown

Los Angeles
