
Heeere’s money

Re “Trump lends helping wallet to McMahon,” Aug. 15

With thousands of Americans facing foreclosure, Donald Trump’s purchase of Ed McMahon’s home certainly serves as the latest example of how the rich are different. I’m sure there are plenty of other destitute families facing the loss of their homes because of layoffs, long-term illness or other reasons. No wealthy corporate mogul is offering to purchase their houses and allow them to remain in them.

McMahon has a huge home in one of the most expensive areas in the nation. It’s time he did what the rest of us must do: downsize. What’s wrong with moving into a 2,000-square-foot condo in Marina del Rey? For many, that address is still beyond their means. The fact that McMahon was some sidekick on a talk show obviously gives him extraordinary privileges other Americans will not receive. F. Scott Fitzgerald was right about the wealthy

John Zavesky

