
Weekend box office

“Tropic Thunder” met opening-weekend expectations, knocking “The Dark Knight” out of first place. Sales in the U.S. and Canada, Aug. 15-17:

*--* -- Movie 3-day gross Total Venues Average Weeks -- (studio) (millions) (millions) -- per venue 1 Tropic Thunder $25.8 $36.8 3,319 $7,777 1 -- (DreamWorks/ -- Paramount) 2 The Dark Knight 16.4 471.1 3,590 4,562 5 (Warner -- Bros.) 3 Star Wars: The Clone 14.6 14.6 3,452 4,233 1 -- Wars (Warner Bros.) 4 Mirrors (20th 11.2 11.2 2,664 4,190 1 Century -- Fox) 5 Pineapple Express 9.8 62.7 3,072 3,193 2 (Sony) 6 The Mummy: Tomb of 8.2 86.2 3,363 2,440 3 the -- Dragon Emperor -- (Universal) 7 Mamma Mia! 6.1 116.0 2,771 2,200 5 (Universal) 8 The Sisterhood of 5.8 32.0 2,714 2,132 2 the -- Traveling Pants 2 (Warner -- Bros.) 9 Step Brothers (Sony) 4.8 90.7 2,648 1,816 4 10 Vicky Cristina 3.8 3.8 692 5,427 1 Barcelona -- (MGM) *--*

*--* Industry totals *--*

*--* 3-day gross Change Year-to-date gross Change (in millions) from 2007 (in billions) from 2007 $124.4 -4.3% $6.34 -0.5% *--*


*--* Note: A movie may be shown on more than one screen at each venue. Source: Media by Numbers Los Angeles Times *--*
