
The GOP’s pitch? No sale

Re “McCain says he’s going humorous, not negative,” Aug. 2

As predictable as the morning sun, the GOP High Priests of Character Assassination are back.

The first phase was straight-up lies spread by right-wing talk shows and blogs. You know: madrasas, Barack is a Muslim, Michelle hates whitey.

Phase two started with those ads John McCain finds so hilarious. The goal is to turn strengths into weaknesses. Remember the Swift-boating of war hero John Kerry? This year’s edition targets Barack Obama’s popularity and ability to connect with people.


He’s popular the same way Paris Hilton is popular. Ha ha. He’s a good talker, but not good enough to be “The One.” Tee-hee. This is funny like schoolyard bullies tormenting the kids who are good at math.

Is this the “information” we need to make our choice for president? How many people are buying it? And what will phase three be?

James Sallis

San Diego

If these campaign commercials are affecting people’s opinions more than the actual issues, this country is in more trouble than I thought.


I don’t need a commercial to tell me that with McCain as president, we will be involved in endless wars in faraway places. That strategy did not work for the Roman Empire, and it won’t work for us either.

Gregg Scott

Los Angeles

Re “McCain’s self-comparison to T.R. makes for good PR,” Aug. 3

I was disappointed that James Hohmann failed to challenge McCain’s identification with Theodore Roosevelt.

In the 1910 factional struggles between the conservative and reformist factions within the Republican Party, Roosevelt spoke at Osawatomie, Kan., and called for graduated income and inheritance taxes and increased power for the government to supervise all corporations. He claimed that property rights should be subordinate to the public interest.


Roosevelt’s words were popular then, and remain popular now, but I scarcely believe that McCain or the modern Republican Party would endorse them today.

Robert Poyourow

