
Hot and cool night life

If reading a guidebook to find the trendiest restaurants and nightclubs is too archaic for you, can help you maintain your hipster image.

What’s hot: Getting its free daily e-mail newsletter and feeling cooler every time you read it. Even better: taking your friends to the latest happening sushi joint in L.A. Thrillist has city-specific information on what to do and what to buy in Los Angeles, New York, San Francisco and Boston. Las Vegas gets a weekly mention. There’s a Thrillist Nation for everywhere else.

Expect tips for Web-savvy players who like to drink, party and shop. Or subscribe for the great dining tips and skip the rest.


What’s not: These days, you expect to be able to interact with a travel website. On Thrillist, you can share an item with a friend by e-mail or by Facebook, but there’s no space for user reviews or comments. And I’d like it even more if I could book a reservation for dinner straight from the site -- but at least Thrillist tries to link to menus and restaurant websites.

-- Jen Leo
