
For now, Santa Monica can’t ban high-speed jets

Times Staff Writer

A federal judge Monday prohibited Santa Monica from enforcing a ban on high speed jets at its airport until further court hearings can be held on the restrictions.

At the request of the Federal Aviation Administration, U.S. District Judge George H. Wu issued a temporary restraining order to keep the city from banning jets with approach speeds ranging from 139 to 191 mph. City officials say the restrictions are necessary to protect airport workers and residents who live near runways.

“We’re glad the judge ruled in our favor,” said Ian Gregor, an FAA spokesman. “It remains our hope that we can settle this issue with an agreement rather than going to court.”


Wu’s order prevents the city from enforcing the ban at least until a May 15 court hearing to decide whether a preliminary injunction should be issued against the city. The judge also said Santa Monica can appeal -- an option city officials said they were considering.

Santa Monica had planned to begin enforcing the ban last Thursday for a variety of jets, such as the Gulfstream IV, Bombardier Challenger 604 and Cessna Citation X.

The FAA, however, served the city with a cease-and-desist order, alleging that the ban was illegal and violated contractual obligations to provide access to the airport.



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