
Republicans need image makeover

Re “Making the GOP an electable brand,” column, April 21

It is true that the Republican Party needs a makeover. It is not relevant to the majority of Californians leaning toward the Democratic Party winning veto-resistant majorities in November.

Yes, it’s a positive move that leading reformers in the Republican Party want to help build a leading farm team of GOP candidates to run statewide. But, as a party, it needs to help get state and local candidates to help change the party’s image in future elections in order to have those leaders for statewide offices.

Such leaders as Assemblyman Bob Huff (R-Diamond Bar) and state Sen. Tom McClintock (R-Thousand Oaks) and Sen. Bob Dutton (R-Rancho Cucamonga) may be correct about fiscal policy and restoring our state to good fiscal health, but the party’s reputation for intolerance does harm to their fiscal message, which will fall on deaf ears. As long as we are socially inclusive and fiscally responsible, the Republican Party will become relevant again.


Matt Munson

