
Second opinions

Re “Hospital plan draws criticism,” April 7

Insanity is doing the same thing over and over, expecting each time a different outcome. As a healthcare expert with a special interest in ethnic health disparities in general and Latino health specifically, I applaud the engagement of an out-of-the-box hospital partner to redesign and restart Martin Luther King Jr.-Harbor Hospital.

This type of creative, calculated and measured risk is the breath of fresh air that has been long in coming.

Robert A.

Beltran MD


Latino Med Policy

Institute, Los Alamitos


Everything related to the recent King-Harbor negotiations deserves criticism. As someone who has kept a close eye on all the events surrounding King-Harbor for several years, I find many of the L.A. County supervisors’ responses rather ludicrous. I would also take issue with Supervisor Don Knabe’s request that “people need to hold the criticism until we have all the details,” when the Board of Supervisors and its representatives have purposefully kept the public out of the information loop by insisting on closed sessions.


I also wonder if the board has violated the Brown Act, because I don’t seem to remember any reportable actions being reported after these closed sessions. One could assume that because the board seems to be pursuing a potential agreement with Pacific Hospital, some reportable action was taken.

Genevieve M.


