
Jeff Probst

Tonight on CBS, Probst will flex his industrial-strength dimples while presiding over a TV franchise that has stood the test of time. Probst is all about survivor skills. “I have a foundation for foster kids called the Serpentine Project,” says the single L.A. resident. “I was close to someone who was a child in the system, and I learned a lot about what a tough journey it can be.”

A RAW-RAW GUY I really like going out for sushi on a Friday night, and if you don’t want to spend a lot of money, Whole Foods does a pretty nice job. But a great sushi restaurant that’s close to my house is SHU (Sushi House Unico) off Beverly Glen. Now, this is not budget sushi, but it’s worth the price. I love the sunset roll (eel and avocado) and the soft-shell crab hand roll.

FOR THE BIRDS Afterward, I’m big fan of the House of Blues on the Sunset Strip. I like that it’s not a Hollywood scene; it’s a bar atmosphere with great live music, good food, and you can just hang out there. My all-time favorite concert there was Counting Crows.


OVER THE NET On an ideal Saturday morning I like to meet friends down at the beach in Santa Monica for some volleyball. None of us is any good, but we enjoy being out in the sun and sand and banging the ball around.

IN THE SWING After that, we’ll head down by the pier and go work out on the rings. You just put some chalk on your hands, jump up and swing from one to the other like a monkey. You’d think it’s only an upper-body thing, but you really need your legs for momentum.

VENICE VIBE After that, it’s definitely lunch at the Figtree’s Cafe in Venice, right on the boardwalk. Fresh, healthy food and great people-watching. And then about 4 or 5, a massive drum circle starts nearby. All kinds of people show up, 100 or 200 of them -- businessmen, surfers, moms, kids, homeless, all creating a crazy rhythm.


‘BU TOO In the evening, I’d head to a low-key restaurant that’s been there forever, the Reel Inn in Malibu. You stand in line and choose your fish, tell them how you want it cooked and then grab a bottle of wine and head across PCH to some tables to eat your dinner. When people come from out of town, that’s the Southern California experience I want them to have.

ON THE MOVE On Sunday morning I’ll go hiking at Will Rogers State Park. I go with my buddy Dan from “Survivor,” who is in just enough better cardio shape than me to be completely irritating. Or we’ll go rollerblading in Santa Monica, all the way to Marina del Rey. Yeah, I do get recognized, but now it’s to the point where people are saying, “I’ve been watching you since I was a kid.”


-- Mark.S[email protected]
