
Life of Reilly

THANKS for Charles McNulty’s thoughtful piece on Charles Nelson Reilly [“A Gift for Connecting,” May 30]. As usual, it’s the funny people who turn out to be the most serious and intelligent folks in showbiz. It’s too bad that most people will only remember him for “Match Game.”




I was lucky enough to know Charles Nelson Reilly. He was a loving, funny and caring guy. He was a great teacher and a wonderful director.

I remember one day, I was shopping at Ralphs on Coldwater and Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks. At that particular time, I was struggling with my weight and had heard that a wheat-free diet was the answer. That meant I had to give up my beloved saltines. Desperately trying to find a perfect gluten-free substitute that would satisfy my cravings, I searched. Lost in my mission as I studied the nutrition labels, I heard a familiar voice behind me: “Remember the days when you could just choose a cracker and get on with your life?”


As I turned around, there he stood. Chin down, glasses right at the tip of his nose, as he looked over the top of the frames, with that wet smile. “How are you?” he asked. “Are you OK? You know Connie Chung is here also; I just saw her in the produce section. Come see me sometime.”

And then he was off. It was the last time I saw him, and it is a sweet memory.

He will be sorely missed.


Sherman Oaks


I knew Charles for 35 years, beginning as a student in his musical theater class in 1972, and -- like most people -- absolutely adored him. McNulty captured him perfectly: I could hear him as I read the column and must admit it brought me to tears.

Charles was able to do that as well, but only because he occasionally made me laugh so hard that tears came unbidden. He was a superb teacher and sharp-eyed critic, and his opinions in all areas were valued. The day he threw an arm over my shoulder and called me a “terrific broad” -- well, I walked on air for a week.



