
Fanaticism for rights of animals

Re “Animal rights activist gets 12 years for arsons,” May 25

Thank you for reporting the trial of Animal Liberation Front operative Kevin Tubbs and noting his connection with People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. As a zoologist, I find animal rights fanatics’ assumption that nonhuman animals are moral agents and their campaigns to turn us all into vegans and eliminate laboratory animal research ludicrous and childish. Experience suggests that fanatics like Tubbs are untrustworthy and are known for repeated attempts to infiltrate organizations truly concerned with animal welfare (including the Sierra Club). I shall continue to withhold support for “animal welfare” organizations until they demonstrate that they have cleaned house (as the Sierra Club did).




When Judge Ann Aiken sentenced Tubbs, she accused him of having wasted his life by choosing violence rather than raising public awareness about the slaughter of wild horses. As a law-abiding citizen who has worked tirelessly through legal channels to close the horse slaughterhouses in Illinois and Texas -- now both closed -- I can testify to the effect of direct action (“terrorism”) on public awareness. Tubbs is a hero for his contribution to ending the slaughter.


Los Angeles
