
California is not Heinlein country

Re “L.A.’s Nostradamus,” Opinion, July 1

I confess to being more than a bit amused by the glowing tribute to one of the world’s greatest science fiction writers, Robert Heinlein. Sadly, it shows just how much the truth can be twisted and omitted when the mood fits. Just one example of how far California is from Heinlein’s view of how free people should live is the insane gun laws that have been adopted. Heinlein firmly believed that “an armed society is a polite society” and felt strongly that no good could come from barring individuals from the right to own and carry arms.

Heinlein also was disgusted by the use of race for promotion or consideration in society. The hair pulling and tantrums of the loony left would have only served to sadden this great man. I find it troubling that just as the left has reinvented the stars of communism (Hugo Chavez, Che Guevara, Fidel Castro and the like) it is now trying to reinvent such icons as Heinlein to fit its view of the world. For a more accurate view of how Heinlein might have seen California, one should read all of his books as well as “Grumbles from the Grave,” published by his widow after his death.


Pueblo, Colo.
