
Lessons from a school for scandal

Re “In San Francisco, mayor’s troubles not just personal,” Feb. 7

The contrast and similarity between San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom and former Rep. Mark Foley could not be clearer. Both sought rehab, claiming some sort of immunity from the lousy choices they have made as if they had no ability to deal with their problems.

Foley didn’t touch anybody, but he resigned (or was hounded out of office, one could legitimately say). Newsom backstabs a close associate, drifts away from fulfilling his duties and continues his term, waiting for the tide to ebb so he can continue as a “darling” Democrat. At least someone was honest enough to nail it right: The Bill Clinton precedent offers salvation and continued employment at the public trough. We do get the government we deserve.




Re Newsom, Rev. Ted Haggard and astronaut Lisa Marie Nowak: Oh, the sanctity of marriage! Now is the time to close this club and reopen it under new management: to gays and lesbians. We couldn’t do worse.



