
Report spurs a hostile climate

Re “Deal with warming, don’t debate it, scientists warn,” Feb. 3

The Times reports Energy Secretary Samuel Bodman’s statement on global warming the day the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change report was released: “We are a small contributor [to global warming] when you look at the rest of the world.” In the next paragraph, The Times points out the lie: “The U.S. is the single largest contributor to global warming, producing about a quarter of the world’s carbon dioxide emissions even though it accounts for about 4.5% of its population.”

The administration’s attempts to deny reality would be comical were it not for the suffering that will occur as a result of the six (or probably eight) lost years during which we might have dealt with global warming instead of denying it.


Laguna Beach


Global warming has become a religion for members of the green left in America. Now we are told that we must accept their gospel without question. The report told us two things: First, that they are not completely sure that global warming is caused by humans; and second, that there is nothing we can do to stop it. Weather and climate are always changing and unpredictable.





All I want to know: Who is hiring someone as clueless as Bodman? Oh, that’s right. It’s the current clueless administration.


Los Angeles
