
Inside Rove’s head

Re “Clinton may be a target of Rove’s reverse psychology,” Aug. 19

This headline should have read perverse psychology.

Karen Wiechman

Los Angeles


Karl Rove has not resigned. He’s as much at the tiller of the Republican smear machine as ever, and his latest potshot aimed at Sen. Hillary Clinton (D-N.Y.) is proof. That tearful exhibition of leave-taking from his official role as advisor, complete with encomiums from George Bush, was an egregious sham -- we all know Rove isn’t going anywhere. Wherever there is dirt to be dug, slime to be slathered and filth to be flung, Rove will be there orchestrating the show -- except now he won’t have to worry how his smear campaigns will reflect on the legacy of the Bush presidency. How else would Bush ever rehabilitate his fruitless presidency except to officially disassociate himself from the ogre who made him?

Meanwhile, in Rove’s mind, he is free to be as mean-spirited and ugly-minded as he wants to be because he’s “just an opinionated private citizen,” and the “fatally flawed” remark aimed at Clinton was just a first salvo. You can expect more vituperation from the grand master of slime -- you can take that prediction to the bank.

Jan Pingleton



Rove is now making the talk-show rounds, attempting to rewrite history. This doesn’t surprise me. He has spent his entire career practicing the politics of attack, division and spin. Now that people are reflecting on his legacy and questioning his contribution to this nation, he blames others for the sharp divisions that exist within the country. What would you expect from a man who tried to bring partisan politics to all aspects of our governmental institutions, the people’s institutions?


Rove’s win-at-any-cost philosophy has done more to weaken this country than any other event in our history. But in 2006, Americans realized something was wrong. Now it is time for Congress to wake up. The very institutions that are the foundation of our democracy are being destroyed by the inability of Congress to work in a proactive, positive way. The problem is one of politics before ideas. Power and control before solutions. The American people deserve better.

As for Rove’s legacy, history will be the judge.

Don Schenendorf

