
Preventing a global tragedy

Re “The crisis under the ice,” Opinion, Aug. 9

If as Jeremy Rifkin writes, “a global tragedy of monumental proportions is unfolding,” then we need to take some really big drills and suck the methane out of the ground. Too simplistic? For decades, methane has been burned off as a “bad” gas. Why not burn methane as a power source?

Methane is now burned at landfills to produce power. If Rifkin is correct, how is drilling for methane too costly or environmentally dangerous?

Gavin Feehan

Granada Hills


I used to think cocaine and methamphetamine were the only two substances that could override man’s survival instinct. Rifkin’s article reminds me that our hunger for fossil fuels is a much more potent and imminent threat to not only our survival as individuals but to our species as a whole.


Irvin Godofsky

Marina del Rey
