
A right to know what’s in the ocean

Re “Beaches have bum record on pollution,” Aug. 8

Our waters are under assault from sewage. Each year more than 860 billion gallons of raw and partially treated sewage are dumped into our rivers and oceans -- enough to cover the entire state of Pennsylvania ankle-deep. Yet there is no national law requiring the public be notified after a sewage spill. Common sense says we have a right to know what’s in our water. Thankfully, such common-sense legislation has been introduced by Rep. Timothy H. Bishop (D-N.Y.). Unfortunately, only four of California’s 53 congressional representatives are co-sponsoring it. Residents should ask their representatives if they’re one of them. If they’re not, why not? There are too many secrets in Washington, but what’s in our water shouldn’t be one of them.

Rebecca Wodder

President, American Rivers

