

Surfing the Web for new music, video and MP3 downloads can be a serious time investment. Picks from Times staff and contributors will help take the drag out of click-and-drag music choices. Some downloads may contain explicit lyrics. All are free, except as noted.


“Holler If Ya Hear Me”

2Pac 2pac/videos.jhtml/overdrive/artist1021launchedFrom/music/artist/2pac/ videos.jhtmlvid14598Tupac Shakur, who died 10 years ago this month, almost never made a boring video, and they covered a wide range of moods and styles. This one smolders with rage and, although some might argue that it’s inappropriate for honoring his memory, it is the legacy of violence so precisely articulated in the video that he himself fell prey to.

“Language of Embers”

Arktau Eos this “dark ambient” music is to do this duo an injustice. The music reaches into far more primal (and primeval) territory. Based in “magick,” as in the tenets of Aleister Crowley, it’s a call for a return to paganism. This music is far more intriguing, though, with its feral howls, anchorite’s bells and groaning thunder. The production shimmers, and instruments used include kanglings (Tibetan trumpets made from human thighbones).

“Miles Davis Live in Rome 1969 -- Part 1”

Miles Davis’ “Lost Quintet”

In late 1969 and early 1970, Miles Davis led a quintet with tenor saxophonist Wayne Shorter, bassist Dave Holland, keyboardist Chick Corea and drummer Jack DeJohnette. It was an incendiary unit live but unhappily never documented in a recording. Here, at last, is a video of the Lost Quintet (as it came to be known), and DeJohnette’s incomparable hands are paid particular attention. The tune is “Miles Runs the Voodoo Down.”


