
Frist’s comments on the war against the Taliban

Re “Frist Says Afghan War Can’t Be Won,” Oct. 3

Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist (R-Tenn.) says: “You need to bring [the Taliban] into a more transparent type of government ... and if that’s accomplished, we’ll be successful.” Sen. Mel Martinez (R-Fla.) adds that it is not “out of the question” to negotiate with the Taliban, which the U.S. has declared helped those who destroyed the World Trade Center.

What a great way for the Republicans to win the war on terror. Just define surrender to be victory, and we are sure to win. I feel so reassured that our national security is in such good hands.




I’m confused when Frist states that the war against Taliban guerrillas in Afghanistan can’t be won. In a February 2002 speech at Florida’s Eglin Air Force Base, President Bush proclaimed with great fanfare that “the Taliban are out of business,” then repeated it a month later near Ft. Bragg, N.C. So I’m thoroughly confused: How can a movement that is out of business now be defeating us on the battlefield? Because the Bush administration -- the folks who gave us “they will greet us as liberators” -- would never lie to us, Frist must be confused on the whole Taliban matter.





Re “Watch out for Afghanistan,” Opinion, Oct. 4

Those of us opposed to invading Iraq knew all along that once it became the administration’s top priority, Afghanistan would simply fall back into the hands of the Taliban. This should come as no surprise to Max Boot. Taking good care of Afghanistan was one of the righteous outcomes of 9/11. In Bush’s world, though, it is OK to cut and run from Afghanistan and the Al Qaeda training ground, but in Iraq we need to “stay the course.” Record oil profits tell us all we need to know about this administration’s war on terror. If Boot were honest with himself, he would come to the same conclusion.


