
Bobby and his times

Re “ ‘Bobby’ -- I was there,” Opinion, Nov. 20

Jimmy Breslin’s article sparked a wave of memories from that memorable year, 1968, that signified a remarkable turn for my generation. I was a lieutenant with the 1st Marine Division in Vietnam when I heard of Bobby Kennedy’s assassination. I was stunned and devastated.

That following August, I found myself pinned down in a terrible firefight. At the same time, my wife, Patty, had to negotiate a Volkswagen through the Chicago streets after leaving Hubert Humphrey’s headquarters, where she was working as a volunteer. Chicago was in chaos and shreds, like the Democratic Party. We were products of our generation, trying to make the world better. One question to the White House and the New Age generation: What have you learned from history?


Dana Point


Reading Breslin, I’m reminded that, in my memory, three great men have tried to lead this great nation and to help us to realize our full potential.


Thank you for reminding me not to give up hope. This nation has and does produce great, courageous men.


Los Angeles
