
Gay marriage ban is divorced from reality

Re “Ban on Gay Marriage Advances in Senate,” May 19

It is outrageous that Congress is again attempting to pass a constitutional amendment to ban same-sex marriage. Scapegoating homosexuals by pandering to the religious right seems an obvious ploy. Before an upcoming election, the Republican Congress trots out its homophobic mantra in hopes of rallying the troops to the polls.

It will not work because the majority of Americans will see through this demagoguery and are focused on more important things, such as peace, healthcare, education, energy and the environment. This is just an attempt to divert attention from the woeful record of this administration.


La Mesa


Instead of an amendment banning gay marriage, I propose the following amendment:

Article 1: Right-wing Republicans and neoconservatives are forevermore barred from marrying, procreating, voting and enjoying any and all rights set forth by the Constitution of the United States.


Article 2: Congress shall have the power to enforce this amendment by all appropriate means, including the wiretapping of the phones of all Republicans to determine those covered by this amendment.


Santa Monica
