
Galbraith remembered for economic theories

Re “Economist Urged Using Wealth for Social Needs,” April 30

John Kenneth Galbraith’s death should serve as a reminder to all about our national infatuation with greed. He argued that we needed to change our public values in favor of acquiring better housing for the poor, meeting social needs, protecting the environment and getting serious about providing high-quality, equal education opportunities for our children. He also argued wisely that corporations must be reined in. Many Americans like to argue that we are a Christian nation. Too bad that our national psyche seems to be a classic example of that famous old adage, “Christianity is a wonderful concept. Too bad nobody has ever tried it.”




I was not at all saddened by Galbraith’s passing. He did a great disservice by espousing the economic policies that have led Western governments into increasing debt, welfare systems and economic turmoil. The man should be vilified rather than placed on some pedestal for us to admire. He’s the next best thing, as far as collectivists go, to Karl Marx or Vladimir Lenin.


Hayward, Calif.
