
V for volley -- of graphic novels

The graphic novel has met with mixed success on film, and the latest adaptation, “V for Vendetta,” slashes its way to theaters today - not without some hard feelings on the part of one of its originators, Alan Moore. If you saw the adaptation of his “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen,” his disdain for Hollywood is easy to understand. These dozen titles (no sequels) offer a sampling of the variety of subjects the form explores.

Sources: Times research, Nielsen EDI

*--* Movie Domestic gross (Year released) (In millions)

“Men in Black” (‘97) $250.7 “Teenage Mutant 135.3 Ninja Turtles” (‘90) “The Mask” (‘94) 119.9 “Road to Perdition” (‘02) 104.3 “Constantine” (‘05) 76.0 “Sin City” (‘05) 74.1 “The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen” (‘03) 66.5 “Hellboy” (‘04) 59.0 “Spawn” (‘97) 54.9 “From Hell” (‘01) 31.6 “A History of Violence” (‘05) 31.5 “Ghost World” (‘01) 6.2

